Internet Example
"A successful model, the Internet.
One model for public/private cooperation and the use of SE standards is the Internet. The Internet is characterized by a layered network architecture and interface standards which enable continual improvement within the layers. The Transport Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) [reference at right], introduced by Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf in 1973, and the enforcement of layering as advocated by Jon Postel [reference at right], have provided a stable framework within which the Internet has experienced stunning growth. "The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) develops and promotes voluntary Internet Standards [reference at right], e.g., TCP/IP. It is an open standards organization where participants and managers are volunteers, though their work is often funded by employers or sponsors. Initially, the IETF was supported by the U.S. government, but since 1993 it has operated as a standards development function under the Internet Society [reference at right] an international membership-based non-profit organization. This Internet model, of standards and long-term stability from government, and innovation within a standard framework by the private sector, offers a useful precedent for the CAVWAY vision." [Quote reference at right] |
Reference to TCP/IP
Reference to Postel Reference to Internet Standards Reference to Internet Society Reference to Quote: Vineberg, M., Mass Transit – A Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Highway, Proceedings, ICTD 2018: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and Transportation Safety, Pittsburgh PA, 15-18 July 2018, Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE, pp 56-66. |